POC Codes of Conduct and Helpful Suggestions

POC Codes of Conduct

Contester’s Code of Ethics

I will learn and obey the rules of any contest I enter, including the rules of my entry category

I will obey the rules for amateur radio in my country

I will not modify my log after the contest by using additional data sources to correct call sign / exchange errors

I will accept the judging and scoring decisions of the contest sponsor as final

I will adhere to the DX Code of Conduct in my operating style (see below)

I will yield my frequency to any emergency communications activity

I will operate my transmitter with sufficient signal quality to minimize interference to others

I will listen, and listen, and then listen again before calling

I will only call, if I can copy the DX station properly

I will not trust the DX cluster and will be sure of the DX station’s call sign before calling

I will not interfere with the DX station nor anyone calling and will never tune up on the DX frequency or in the QSX slot

I will wait for the DX station to end a contact before I call

I will always send my full call sign

I will call and then listen for a reasonable interval. I will not call continuously

I will not transmit when the DX operator calls another call sign, not mine

I will not transmit when the DX operator queries a call sign not like mine

I will not transmit when the DX station requests geographic areas other than mine

When the DX operator calls me, I will not repeat my call sign unless I think he has copied it incorrectly

I will be thankful if and when I do make a contact

I will respect my fellow hams and conduct myself so as to earn their respect

Helpful Suggestions

(Note: Ed DD5LP has updated these documents for 2021.)

DD5LP’s User Guide to the POC (Ver 1.4). Download here.

DD5LP’s Buffer Log for the POC. Download here.