One of the research areas I’ve pursued is a foray into connecting Bench Tests (Sherwood Rx Table) with other attributes of specific HF Transceivers.
Working with Rob, I recently updated my database to include his latest set of bench tests, circa March 2022. I’ve completing several tools available on this site to interrogate these data visually. This can help better understand rig evaluation as well as the patterns and trends of rigs over the 50 year period of market introduction represented in Rob’s table. It may take some time to study them before reaching a conclusion. It’s not magic; just statistical visualization!
Under this website tab, I’ve created a growing set of pages with tools and analyses of various elements of these data elements for the user’s benefit. For easier access, I’ve created a table with the direct link to each page. Each tool helps address one or more specific aspects of a purchase evaluation. Take a moment to look at the data and features of each tool. It will make use much more effective.

Now with transmit composite noise data analysis! See the additional entries in the interactive page selection table below. These transmit data are on 21 modern transceivers, measured by the Team Charlie (TK0C) group and Rob Sherwood NC0B.
Note: Rob NC0B had no endorsement of this list. I did not consult him on it beforehand so he is held-harmless for these results. I do thank Rob, along with Scott K0MD, Jim W6LG, Bob K0NR, and other members of the Cycle 25 group for their suggestions and encouragement. None bear any responsibility for the analysis or interpretations published herein.
If you are interested in my giving a talk to your group via Zoom, drop me a note and I’ll do my best to accommodate your request.
Tool | |
Papers and talks | Price, Performance and Satisfaction with HF Rigs: Articles and Talks |
Time Line of Radios | Time Line of Radios |
Sortable Sherwood Table | Sortable Sherwood Test Table |
Excel version of Sherwood Tables | Sherwood Table in Excel |
Better understand Rob's ranking | Don't Get Out-Ranked! |
Relationship between the SPI and Narrow Dynamic Range | The SPI and Narrow Dynamic Range |
A 3D data cube of SPI, Price and eHam Rating | A 3D View of the SPI, Price, and eHam Rating |
Rig Performance-for-Price by Year of Market Introduction | Bang-for-the-Buck in Rx by Year of Market Entry |
A Golden Quadrant Analysis of Price, Rx Performance and Satisfaction | Golden Quadrant Analysis of Price, Performance and Satisfaction |
The Golden Quads List: Price Unlimited & Performance-for-Price | The Golden Quads Lists: Unlimited $$, Bang-for-Buck |
Golden Quads List: Excel Spreadsheet | Excel Spreadsheet for Golden Quads List |
The Emergence of the Premium Transceiver | The Emergence of the Premium Transceiver |
Sortable Transmit Composite Noise and Related Data | Sortable Transmit Composite Noise and Related Data |
Transmit Composite Noise Components and Index | Transmit Composite Noise Components and Index |
Transmit Composite Noise and Year of Market Entry | Transmit Composite Noise and Year of Market Entry |
Transmit Composite Noise and Receive Test Performance | Transmit Composite Noise and Receive Test Performance |
Optimal Receive-to-Transmit Ratio | Optimal Receive-to-Transmit Ratio |
Transmit Composite Noise and Consumer Satisfaction | Transmit Composite Noise and Consumer Satisfaction |
Clustering Similar Transceivers | Clustering Similar Transceivers |